Crowdpolicy undertakes the technological and operational support of Eurocastanea Greece 2024.

Eleni Fouka
2 min readJun 28, 2024


Crowdpolicy, in collaboration with the Municipality of Agia, has undertaken the technological and operational support of the Eurocastanea Greece 2024 conference on ways and good practices of production and processing in the Chestnut sector, which is addressed to Europe and the World in general.

Crowdpolicy, with a wide experience of 12 years in the organization, technological and operational support of innovation and promotion actions, will proceed with the implementation and technical support of the information website as well as the operational support of the conference that will take place in September 2024.

Through the website, participants can:

  • be informed about the conference
  • register through the registration system
  • be informed about the means of transport and accommodation during the days of the conference
  • be informed about the topics and program of the conference

Every year since 2010, EUROCASTANEA has been holding an annual meeting, the “European Chestnut Days”. The meeting is addressed to organizations, authorities, institutes, local bodies, farmers, agronomists, cooperatives and companies from all over the world involved in the production, research, processing, promotion and distribution of the chestnut. In 2024, the “XIV European Chestnut Days” will take place in Melivoia of the Municipality of Agia, Greece, headquarters of the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivoia, which is the representative of Greece in EUROCASTANEA.

The strategic cooperation with the Municipality of Agia and Crowdpolicy is strengthened by showcasing, through the conference, actions of innovation and promotion of good practices in the field of agri-food.

The information website will soon be available to everyone.


